Fix Your Spotify Stops Playing When Screen is off on iPhone?

Fix Your Spotify Stops Playing When Screen is off on iPhone?

If you’re a devoted Spotify user on your iPhone, you’ve likely encountered the frustrating issue of your music suddenly stopping when your phone’s screen turns off or goes into sleep mode. Whether you’re in the middle of a long playlist or trying to enjoy your favorite album, this problem can be quite annoying. The good news is that there are solutions to address this issue and ensure uninterrupted music playback on Spotify even when your screen is off. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the reasons behind this problem and provide proven strategies to fix it.

Spotify Turns off When iPhone Locks?

The baffling question of why Spotify stops playing when the screen is off on an iPhone has perplexed many users. It’s not uncommon to find yourself in a situation where you’re listening to your favorite tunes, only for the music to abruptly halt when your phone’s screen turns off. To understand this issue better, let’s delve into the root causes and the effective solutions to keep your Spotify playback seamless.

Why Spotify Stops Playing When Screen is off on iPhone?

Before diving into the solutions, it’s essential to comprehend why this issue occurs in the first place. When your iPhone’s screen turns off, it enters a low-power mode to conserve battery life. While this feature is designed to extend your device’s battery, it can inadvertently interfere with the functionality of certain apps running in the background, including Spotify. Consequently, when your phone’s screen goes into sleep mode, Spotify may stop playing.

Solutions to Fix Spotify Stopping When the Screen is Off on iPhone

Disable Low Power Mode The first step to resolve the issue of Spotify stopping when the screen is off on your iPhone is to disable the low-power mode. Low Power Mode is a helpful feature that conserves energy by limiting certain features and performance. However, it can hinder Spotify’s ability to run smoothly in the background. Follow these steps to disable Low Power Mode:

Go to Settings on your iPhone.

Tap on Battery.

Toggle off Low Power Mode.

Disable Battery Optimization In iOS 13 and later versions, the “Optimized Battery Charging” feature was introduced. While this feature is intended to prolong battery life, it can interfere with Spotify’s background functionality. To disable battery optimization for Spotify, follow these steps:

Go to Settings on your iPhone.

Tap on Battery.

Scroll down to “Battery Usage by App.”

Find Spotify and tap on it.

Toggle off “Optimized Battery Charging.”

Turn off Auto-Lock Auto-Lock is a convenient feature that automatically locks your iPhone’s screen after a period of inactivity. However, this feature can disrupt Spotify’s background operation. To prevent Spotify from pausing when the screen locks, follow these steps:

Go to Settings on your iPhone.

Scroll down and tap on Display & Brightness.

Select Auto-Lock.

Choose “Never” to turn off auto-lock.

Background App Refresh Enabling Background App Refresh for Spotify can significantly improve its background performance. This feature allows apps to refresh their content in the background, ensuring smoother playback. To enable Background App Refresh for Spotify, follow these steps:

Go to Settings on your iPhone.

Tap on General.

Tap on Background App Refresh.

Find Spotify and toggle the switch to enable it.

Use Offline Mode If the previous solutions don’t resolve the issue and your Spotify still stops playing when the screen is off on your iPhone, consider using Offline Mode. This mode allows you to download songs and playlists for offline listening, bypassing the need for an internet connection. To use Offline Mode, follow these steps:

Open the Spotify app on your iPhone.

Locate the playlist or album you want to download

Tap on the three dots next to the playlist or album.

Select “Download” to save the content offline.

6. Clear the Cache Clearing the cache on your iPhone can potentially eliminate the issue of Spotify stopping when the screen is off. By doing so, you can enjoy uninterrupted music streaming. Here’s how you can clear the cache:

Open the Spotify app and navigate to the Settings.

Scroll down and select Storage.

Press the “Clear Cache” button.

Update Your Spotify App Keeping your Spotify app updated is crucial for optimal performance and bug fixes. Make sure you have the latest version of the app to ensure a smooth listening experience. Here’s how to update your Spotify app:

Open the App Store on your iPhone.

Search for “Spotify” or check for available updates.

Tap on “Update” if a new version is available.

Check for Software Update Outdated software can often lead to compatibility issues and disrupt app functionality. Ensuring your iPhone’s software is up to date can help resolve various problems, including the Spotify stopping issue. Follow these steps to check for a software update:

Go to iPhone Settings.

Tap on General.

Select “Software Update” and install any available updates.

Restart Your iPhone If you’ve tried the solutions above and your Spotify continues to stop when the screen is off, a simple restart of your iPhone might do the trick. Restarting your iPhone can resolve minor glitches and refresh its operating system. To restart your iPhone, follow these steps:

Press and hold the Power button.

Swipe the “slide to power off” slider.

Once the device is off, press and hold the Power button again until the Apple logo appears.

Contact Support If none of the solutions provided here yield the desired results and your Spotify playback issue persists, it’s time to seek help from Spotify’s support team. They have the expertise to address complex problems and provide personalized assistance to resolve the issue. To reach Spotify support, visit their official support website:


Why does Spotify stop playing when my iPhone screen turns off?

This issue might be caused by the battery-saving settings on your iPhone. To resolve this, go to “Settings” > “Display & Brightness” > “Auto-Lock” and select a longer time interval or choose “Never.” This will prevent your screen from turning off too quickly and interrupting Spotify playback.

How can I keep Spotify playing when my iPhone screen is off?

To keep Spotify playing even when the screen is off, you can use the “Background App Refresh” feature. Go to “Settings” > “General” > “Background App Refresh” and ensure that it’s enabled for Spotify. Also, make sure you have a stable internet connection for continuous playback.

Is there a way to prevent my iPhone from going into sleep mode while using Spotify?

While there’s no direct way to completely prevent sleep mode, you can temporarily disable it by enabling “Guided Access.” Open Spotify, then quickly press the power button three times. This will activate Guided Access and prevent the phone from sleeping. Remember to disable Guided Access when you’re done by triple-pressing the power button again.

Does Spotify have a sleep timer feature on iPhone?

Yes, Spotify has a built-in sleep timer feature. Open Spotify, start playing a song, tap on the “…” (more) button, and select “Sleep Timer.” Choose the desired duration, and Spotify will automatically stop playing after that time.

Why does Spotify stop playing when I’m using other apps on my iPhone?

This could be due to iOS’s battery optimization settings. To resolve this, go to “Settings” > “Spotify” > “Background App Refresh” and ensure it’s set to “Wi-Fi & Cellular Data” or “Wi-Fi.” Also, go to “Settings” > “General” > “Background App Refresh” and make sure it’s enabled for both Spotify and the apps you’re using simultaneously.

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