Unveiling the 5 Coolest Spotify Easter Eggs: Hidden Gems for Music Lovers

Unveiling the 5 Coolest Spotify Easter Eggs: Hidden Gems for Music Lovers

Have you ever stumbled upon the concept of “Easter eggs” in music? These are like secret treasures concealed within songs or music platforms, waiting to be uncovered. Spotify, the renowned music streaming platform, is more than meets the eye—it harbors hidden features that offer a touch of magic to its users. Amidst these features and updates, Spotify also offers Easter eggs that are designed to entertain and surprise. In this article, we’re about to unveil the five most fascinating Spotify Easter eggs from the past years.

Spotify Easter Eggs: Unveiling the Secrets

Star Wars Easter Egg

Imagine the Star Wars universe merging with Spotify—this Easter egg made it happen. When you play songs from the Star Wars playlist, the progress bar morphs into three distinct lightsaber designs. A special code, “THX1138,” was once available, enabling this lightsaber trick on any playlist. Although most Easter eggs come and go, the Star Wars soundtrack still wields this unique feature, inviting you to relive the epic saga while navigating through your Desktop Spotify.

Winter Christmas Easter Egg

For a limited time, Spotify turned into a winter wonderland through its Christmas Easter egg. Upon playing a Christmas song, the progress bar transformed into a candy cane, accompanied by snowflakes gracefully descending on your screen. This festive touch added a whimsical charm to the experience, although it has since vanished, leaving a trail of magical memories.

Stranger Things Mode

Stranger Things enthusiasts were in for a treat with the Stranger Things Mode on Spotify. During its brief existence, the mode surprised listeners by displaying the Flashlights scene from the Upside Down realm as they enjoyed their tunes. Although short-lived, this spine-tingling surprise added a touch of mystery and excitement to the listening journey.

Pride Easter Egg

In a nod to inclusivity, Spotify introduced a Pride Easter egg. By indulging in the “Pride Classics” playlist, users witnessed a rainbow slider grace their interface, adorned with various Pride logos. While this rainbow volume slider Easter egg has faded away, it’s a reminder that delightful surprises may make a return in the future, enriching the Spotify experience.

Nyan Cat Easter Egg

Engage with the iconic Nyan Cat song, and you’d trigger an Easter egg that adorned the progress bar with Nyan Cat-themed visuals. While this fleeting Easter egg has disappeared, it leaves room for speculation about future Spotify Easter eggs that could captivate users with their whimsy.

The Significance of Spotify Easter Eggs

Spotify’s journey into the realm of Easter eggs may be relatively modest, yet their potential impact is noteworthy. These hidden gems serve several essential purposes:

Fun Discoveries for Users

Easter eggs provide a delightful surprise that triggers a sense of enjoyment and dopamine release in users’ brains. These hidden elements infuse Spotify with an element of fun and elevate the overall experience.

Genre-Specific Delights

Imagine stumbling upon an Easter egg related to your favorite TV show or genre. Such surprises personalize the platform, engaging users on a deeper level. The Spotify Stranger Things Easter egg is a prime example of this personalized engagement.

Festive seasons bring joy and celebration. Creating event-specific Easter eggs, be it for Christmas, Holi, Eid, or Easter, adds a touch of festivity to the platform, enriching users’ experiences during these memorable periods.

Creating Social Buzz

Easter eggs spark excitement and curiosity, fostering conversations among Spotify users. Sharing discoveries on social media or discussing them with friends contributes to a sense of community and shared enthusiasm.

Building User Attachment

Developing a connection with an app strengthens user loyalty. Spotify employs Easter eggs to nurture this bond, ensuring a loyal user base that feels a strong connection with the platform.

Enhancing User Experience

Above all, Easter eggs set Spotify apart from other music streaming platforms. They infuse surprise, creativity, and exploration into the user experience, generating anticipation and enhancing the overall enjoyment.


What are Spotify Easter Eggs and how can I find them?

Spotify Easter Eggs are hidden features or surprises embedded within the platform to delight users. To find them, explore Spotify’s interface, try out different gestures or commands, and keep an eye out for unusual interactions. These hidden gems can range from interactive animations to secret playlists.

How do I access the “Tardis” feature on Spotify?

To experience the “Tardis” Easter Egg, follow these steps:

  • Open Spotify on your desktop.
  • Play a song.
  • Type “spotify:app:tardis” in the search bar and press Enter.
  • Enjoy the time-traveling animation and discover a playlist of nostalgic tunes.

Can you explain the “Konami Code” Easter Egg on Spotify?

Certainly! The “Konami Code” is a classic cheat code used in many video games. On Spotify’s desktop app, try entering the Konami Code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A. This action triggers a retro 8-bit animation, bringing a touch of nostalgia to your music streaming experience.

What is the significance of the “Spotify:track:1337” Easter Egg?

“Spotify:track:1337” is a reference to the internet slang “leet” or “1337,” which translates to “elite.” When you play this specific track on Spotify, you’ll be greeted with a glitchy, futuristic animation that adds a unique twist to your music listening session.

How can I access the Stranger Things’ “Upside Down” mode on Spotify?

To explore the “Upside Down” mode inspired by the show Stranger Things:

  • Open the Spotify app on your mobile device.
  • Play a song.
  • Go to the song’s Now Playing screen.
  • Swipe down repeatedly on the album art until the screen turns upside down.
  • Enjoy the eerie vibe of the “Upside Down” mode while listening to your favorite tracks.

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