Why Am I Getting Ads On Spotify Premium? How To Get Rid Of Ads?

Why Am I Getting Ads On Spotify Premium? How To Get Rid Of Ads?

Are you a Spotify Premium user who’s unexpectedly encountering ads? The allure of Spotify Premium lies in its promise of an uninterrupted, ad-free listening experience. However, some users have found themselves facing ads despite holding a Premium subscription. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this issue and provide effective solutions to ensure your seamless Spotify Premium experience.

Why am I getting ads on Spotify premium podcasts?

While the majority of Spotify Premium users enjoy an ad-free experience, podcasts sometimes incorporate sponsorships and promotional content as a means for creators to generate revenue. These ads are ingrained within the podcast itself and cannot be eliminated by Spotify.

Why Am I Still Getting Ads On Spotify Premium?

If ads are appearing during your music streaming sessions on Spotify Premium, a few potential scenarios could explain the situation. Your Premium subscription might have lapsed, or a family member could have inadvertently been removed from the subscription plan.

Account Issues

In certain cases, ads might appear on your Spotify Premium account due to subscription-related issues. Ensure your account settings reflect an active and up-to-date subscription to eliminate this possibility.

Device Syncing Problems

If your Spotify account is logged in on multiple devices, ads could appear on one device even with a Premium subscription. This might happen if your devices aren’t adequately synced with your account. To rectify this, log out of your account on all devices and log back in to sync them properly.

Spotify Premium Ad Script

The term “Spotify Premium Ad Script” refers to a specific type of ad that Spotify uses to promote its Premium service. Unlike traditional ads that interrupt your listening, these ads are short promotional messages encouraging users to upgrade to Premium.

Server Glitches

Temporary technical glitches or server issues on Spotify’s end might lead to ads appearing on Premium accounts. In such instances, it’s advisable to exercise patience and wait for the Spotify team to resolve the problem.

Ad-Blockers Interference

Using ad-blockers alongside Spotify can occasionally cause disruptions, including ads appearing on Premium accounts or playback interruptions. If you’re employing an ad-blocker, consider disabling it while using Spotify to avoid potential conflicts.

Regional Restrictions

Diverse regions may have varying advertising regulations that affect the presence of ads on Spotify Premium. Review your local guidelines to determine their applicability to your account.

How To Stop Ads on Spotify Premium?

Although Spotify Premium removes most ads, some strategies can help minimize disruptions during podcast listening:

Fast Forward: Utilize the fast-forward feature to skip past podcast ads manually. By doing so, you can swiftly bypass ads and return to the podcast content you enjoy.

“Skip Ads” Button: Certain Spotify podcasts offer a convenient “Skip Ads” button that lets you skip advertisements with a single tap. Keep an eye out for this option when you encounter ads in a podcast.

Download & Listen Offline: For an uninterrupted podcast experience, download episodes for offline listening. Preload podcast content to listen without an internet connection and avoid ads.

Curate a Playlist of Ad-Free Podcasts: Consider creating a playlist of podcasts with minimal or no ads. While this approach might limit your selection, it guarantees an uninterrupted listening experience.


Why am I getting ads on Spotify Premium?

If you’re encountering ads while using Spotify Premium, it’s likely due to a technical glitch or account issue. Reach out to Spotify’s customer support to resolve the problem and enjoy an uninterrupted ad-free experience.

How do I get rid of ads on Spotify Premium?

Ads should not be a part of your Spotify Premium experience. If you’re still seeing ads, try logging out and back in, clearing cache, or reinstalling the app. If the issue persists, contact Spotify’s support to ensure your Premium subscription is active and properly linked to your account.

Is it normal to receive ads with a Spotify Premium subscription?

No, it’s not normal to receive ads with a Spotify Premium subscription. Premium subscribers enjoy an ad-free experience. If you’re encountering ads, there might be an issue with your account or app settings. Contact Spotify support for assistance.

How to troubleshoot ads on Spotify Premium?

To troubleshoot ads on Spotify Premium, first, ensure your subscription is active and correctly linked to your account. Check for app updates, clear cache, and try logging out and back in. If ads persist, contact Spotify’s customer support with details about your issue.

Can ads be blocked on Spotify Premium?

Ads should not appear on Spotify Premium. If they are, it could be due to an account or app issue. While you can’t directly block ads on Premium (since it’s designed to be ad-free), you can resolve the problem by troubleshooting or contacting Spotify support for assistance.

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